Robust Bayesian Optimization


  • numpy >= 1.7
  • scipy >= 0.12
  • GPy==0.6.0
  • emcee==2.1.0
  • matplolib >= 1.3

Basic Usage

RoBO is a flexible framework for Bayesian optimization. In a nutshell we can distinguish between different components that are necessary for BO, i.e an acquisition function, a model, and a method to optimize the acquisition function. RoBO treats all of those components as modules, which allows us to easily change and add new methods.

Defining an objective function

RoBo can optimize any function X \rightarrow Y with X as an N\times D numpy array and Y as an N\times 1 numpy array. Thereby N is the number of points you want to evaluate at and D is the dimension of the input X. An example objective function could look like this:

import numpy as np
def objective_function(x):
    return  np.sin(3*x) * 4*(x-1)* (x+2)

Furthermore, we also have to specify the bounds of the objective function is defined:

X_lower = np.array([0])
X_upper = np.array([6])
dims = 1

Building a model

The first step to optimize this objective function is to define a model that captures the current believe of potential functions. The probably most used method in Bayesian optimization for modeling the objective function are Gaussian processes. RoBO uses the well-known `GPy`_ library as implementation for Gaussian processes. The following code snippet shows how to use a GPy model via RoBO:

import GPy
from robo.models.GPyModel import GPyModel

kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=dims)
model = GPyModel(kernel, optimize=True, noise_variance = 1e-4, num_restarts=10)

RoBO offers a wrapper interface GPyModel to access the Gaussian processes in GPy. We have to specify a kernel from GPy library as covariance function when we initialize the model. For further details on those kernels visit `GPy`_. We can either use fix kernel hyperparameter or optimize them by optimizing the marginal likelihood. This is achieved by setting the optimize flag to True.

Creating the Acquisition Function

After we defined a model we can define an acquisition function as a surrogate function that is used to pick the next point to evaluate. RoBO offers the following acquisition functions in the acquisition package:

In order to use an acquisition function (in this case Expected Improvement) you have to pass it the models as well as the bounds of the input space:

from robo.acquisition.EI import EI
from robo.recommendation.incumbent import compute_incumbent
acquisition_func = EI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower, compute_incumbent=compute_incumbent, par=0.1)

Expected Improvement as well as Probability of Improvement need as additional input the current best configuration (i.e. incumbent). There are different ways to determine the incumbent. You can easily plug in any method by giving Expected Improvement a function handle (via compute_incumbent). This function is supposed to return a configuration and expects the model as input. In the case of EI and PI you additionally have to specify the parameter “par” which controls the balance between exploration and exploitation of the acquisition function.

Maximizing the acquisition function:

The last component is the maximizer which will be used to optimize the acquisition function in order to get a new configuration to evaluate. RoBO offers different ways to optimize the acquisition functions such as:

  • grid search
  • CMA-ES
  • stochastic local search

Here we will use a simple grid search to determine the configuration with the highest acquisition value:

from robo.maximizers.maximize import grid_search
maximizer = grid_search

Putting it all together

Now we have all the ingredients to optimize our objective function. We can put all the above described components in the BayesianOptimization class

from robo import BayesianOptimization

bo = BayesianOptimization(acquisition_fkt=acquisition_func,

Afterwards we can run it by:

Implementing the Bayesian optimization loop:

If you want to implement the main Bayesian optimization loop by yourself because for instance you want to have a more detail look in what’s going you can easily do it In the one dimensional case you can easily plot all the methods used:

import GPy
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('GTKAgg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from robo.models.GPyModel import GPyModel
from robo.acquisition.EI import EI
from robo.maximizers.maximize import stochastic_local_search
from robo.recommendation.incumbent import compute_incumbent

# The optimization function that we want to optimize. It gets a numpy array with shape (N,D) where N >= 1 are the number of datapoints and D are the number of features
def objective_function(x):
    return  np.sin(3 * x) * 4 * (x - 1) * (x + 2)

# Defining the bounds and dimensions of the input space
X_lower = np.array([0])
X_upper = np.array([6])
dims = 1

# Set the method that we will use to optimize the acquisition function
maximizer = stochastic_local_search

# Defining the method to model the objective function
kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=dims)
model = GPyModel(kernel, optimize=True, noise_variance=1e-4, num_restarts=10)

# The acquisition function that we optimize in order to pick a new x
acquisition_func = EI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower, compute_incumbent=compute_incumbent, par=0.1)  # par is the minimum improvement that a point has to obtain

# Draw one random point and evaluate it to initialize BO
X = np.array([np.random.uniform(X_lower, X_upper, dims)])
Y = objective_function(X)

# This is the main Bayesian optimization loop
for i in xrange(10):
    # Fit the model on the data we observed so far
    model.train(X, Y)

    # Update the acquisition function model with the retrained model

    # Optimize the acquisition function to obtain a new point
    new_x = maximizer(acquisition_func, X_lower, X_upper)

    # Evaluate the point and add the new observation to our set of previous seen points
    new_y = objective_function(np.array(new_x))
    X = np.append(X, new_x, axis=0)
    Y = np.append(Y, new_y, axis=0)

    # Visualize the objective function, model and the acquisition function
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    plotting_range = np.linspace(X_lower[0], X_upper[0], num=1000)
    ax1.plot(plotting_range, objective_function(plotting_range[:, np.newaxis]), color='b', linestyle="--")
    _min_y1, _max_y1 = ax1.get_ylim()
    model.visualize(ax1, X_lower[0], X_upper[0])
    _min_y2, _max_y2 = ax1.get_ylim()
    ax1.set_ylim(min(_min_y1, _min_y2), max(_max_y1, _max_y2))
    mu, var = model.predict(new_x)
    ax1.plot(new_x[0], mu[0], "r.", markeredgewidth=5.0)
    ax2 = acquisition_func.plot(fig, X_lower[0], X_upper[0], plot_attr={"color": "red"}, resolution=1000)

Indices and tables